Scanner Abuse at the Birdhouse:
Scot Hacker

It's simple: you stick your face on the bed of scanner. Put a coat over your head to block out some of the ambient light. Shut your eyes tight, or risk being permanently sight-damaged by forms of modern radiation we don't yet well understand. Reach out and grope for the keyboard. Hit Enter. The christ-like glow of a thousand enlightenments races across your face. When the light is at its brightest, move your face around to create smeary patterns. When you've got a series of good face grabs, manipulate the hell out of 'em. The self-portrait should say something about the artist's self-image. But pressing your face against glass is always going to result in distortions which don't match your self-image. Work with those distortions. Amplify and transmogrify them to see if you can't come to see yourself as other than you are. Run your soul through the photoshop mill and see what comes out the other side.

Scot Hacker

More Birdhouse Scanner Abuse
