Just because you're using Win95 doesn't mean you have to fly their insipid logo all over the place... or suffer the condescension of the insulting "It is now safe to turn off your computer" shutdown sequence. Birdhouse Stardup / Shutdown Screens
Make your power-on / power-off sessions way more fonky with these custom replacements, gathered from the net's farthest recesses and tweaked to creamy perfection by Birdhouse. The thumbnails above preview the shutdown pair, which originate from some of Sito's global surrealist digital collage parties. The animated fractal startup screen by Iman Muhammad can't be previewed due its fluid nature, but suffice to say it's a far cry from the sickly blue sky and Hallmark clouds you're probably suffering with now.
Click one of the thumbnails above to download the set (270k) (Netscape users may have to hold down the Shift key while clicking to force a download), run SCREENS1.EXE, then follow the instructions in the enclosed README.TXT to install.