Birdhouse Awards
Okay, here's us, struttin' around like an old Russian military general, puffed up and proud, medals dangling from chest clanking against each other like the fishing gear in dad's tackle box. These sites have acknowledged Birdhouse excellence in some form or other over the years:
August 20, 1997 -- Budd Ugly Site of the Day
May 8, 1997 -- Shareware Junkies' Hot Site of the Week
December 2, 1996 -- MarketPlaza's Cool Site of the Week
Internet Underground's Top Ten for February, 1996 (we were #1!)
EZ Connect's Best of the Net, September 95
Well, I have to confess I've lost most of the awards we ever received. For a long time I thought that displaying these awards could only be construed as braggartly, so I used to just throw them out. But I've changed my mind on that count. I mean, credit where it's due and all, right? Anyway, there were others, but they're lost to history. Oh well.